Wednesday 24 October 2018

two options

Today you have two possibilities. Either some practice for the first evaluation, or a free post.

When I was at school I enjoyed more than one subject. I really liked biology, arts and languages. I also liked maths and chemistry but I did not have the same talent for those subjects. I just passed them :(
With biology it was different. I think one of the teachers  I like the most was Ms Mariana Lastra. She was a funny character. She did not seem to enjoy teaching much but she was laid back and very knowledgeable. I remember I always asked questions that were not exactly what she was talking about and she would always answer nicely.  I really wanted to know more about the human body and all the functions of  the different organs. I enjoyed the activities. We did with a lot of images and cut outs. I also loved experiments with microbacteria   or ecosystems. However, I was fond of reading, too.
The sad part of this is that I forgot many of the things I learnt back then. I think it may have to do with the fact that I stopped all my scientific activities at 19 or so :(
I think what I remember the most  has to do with the function certain organs, the brain in particular. I don't know why.
I feel biology is really important to understand our place in terms of survival. Having said this, I also loved history and I feel this is vital to understand our culture and country's circumstances. 
I think what I loved the most about school is that I had a few very good teachers who, together with my parents, awoke my desire to learn.

Write about a subject you enjoyed at school

What the subject was,
Who taught it,
Why you enjoyed it,
What things you learnt in this subject.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write a minimum of 200 words. Write a comment on this blog and 2 comments on blogs where you have not commented before :)


  1. Biology is a really interesting subject. My favourite part of biology is ecosystems and animals :)

  2. I found biology very insteresting too, my teacher draw in the whiteboard all the parts of the organs or human process haha, it was funny when we tried to copy.

  3. Even I'm not very into Biology, I agree with you when you talk about the importance of biology in our lives

  4. One of the most entertaining parts of biology was doing experiments

  5. Tells the legend that I was once a biologist in elective in my high school...and I realized that i do not have the gift of biology

  6. I liked the biology until the university where i only saw numbers about thinks that i couldn't see or understand directly u,u

  7. I am agree with you when you write: " I also loved history and I feel this is vital to understand our culture and country's circumstances.", because If we don´t have memory we will go to make the same mistakes of the past. Thanks to share with us your experience!

  8. when I was in school, I liked biology too but I prefer physics.
