Wednesday 17 October 2018

A friend

Today I’ll write about a friend from childhood that continues to be my friend today. I met Claudio when I was 5 years old and I moved to a new house. He was the first neighbour to come and say hello when I was playing in the square.  I remember I was nicely surprised since it had been over a week and I hadn’t spoken to anyone.  A couple of days later I introduced him to my sisters and he introduced me to his sister Ale. We had a really nice relationship straight away. We played tag, hopscotch and hide and seek with other kids in the neighbourhood. Later on he was my boyfriend; we must have been 6 and 7 (hahaha). At the age of 15, I moved house again and we lost touch for a while.
The nice thing is that we have remained friends even though we lead very different lives. My friend is a musician and he writes music. We probably see each other two or three times a year but every time it feels as if we have never lost contact. We can talk about more or less anything and have a laugh, even when things are not going that well.
 I really like to listen to music with him. He always has new bands or singers to show me. I also like to listen to the stuff he writes. 
How about you?
Write about a friend from before (childhood, school, etc.)  who is still your friend. Say:
How you met
What you have in common or not
Why you enjoy sharing with them.
Mention anything else you find relevant. 
Minimum 200 words and 3 comments


  1. i have a friend who recommends me new music too. It's very helpful really

  2. Music is fundamental, great to have someone like that and that's a nice story.
