Wednesday 31 October 2018

Free topic

Hello Everyone!
I imagine we are all happy since we have a long weekend ahead.

This is why today the task will be free.

Write about something that interests you or you feel inspired to write about. It could be a subject, a person, a place, an activity, etc.

Write a minimum of 200 words and 3 comments:)

Today I will not write about halloween because being older I do not feel particularly identified with it.
I will write about learning. Since I was very little I have always been really curious. However, I have only become really crazy about learning new things as an adult. I think the learning process is wonderful, in spite of this, I think there are a number of factors that influence our learning. First of all, motivation. This is an interesting one because there have been many studies to try to determine what makes us feel motivated when learning. There are other factors like the space in which we try to learn, and of course, the methodology.
The latest things I have learnt have been gardening on balconies,  psychology and Buddhism, Pilates instruction, about the brain in general, the gut and also my passion,  languages. At the moment I am doing Japanese. It is really interesting because when I started in May, I was not that motivated, however, when you feel that you are making progress and actually can communicate a little, it is fantastic.  I have studied English and German before so I have an idea of language learning. However, Japanese defies all my theories since it is very difficult and the structure is completely different to what I know. ・˙•˙🤣

Wednesday 24 October 2018


Please remember the video is due Wednesday 31.
You can bring it on a pendrive, send it to or upload it as private on youtube and let my gmail account see it.

Remember this is not a reading activity. You need to practice and know it if you expect a good mark. Check the rubric on U CURSOS.

Let me know if you have doubts.

Irregular verbs

two options

Today you have two possibilities. Either some practice for the first evaluation, or a free post.

When I was at school I enjoyed more than one subject. I really liked biology, arts and languages. I also liked maths and chemistry but I did not have the same talent for those subjects. I just passed them :(
With biology it was different. I think one of the teachers  I like the most was Ms Mariana Lastra. She was a funny character. She did not seem to enjoy teaching much but she was laid back and very knowledgeable. I remember I always asked questions that were not exactly what she was talking about and she would always answer nicely.  I really wanted to know more about the human body and all the functions of  the different organs. I enjoyed the activities. We did with a lot of images and cut outs. I also loved experiments with microbacteria   or ecosystems. However, I was fond of reading, too.
The sad part of this is that I forgot many of the things I learnt back then. I think it may have to do with the fact that I stopped all my scientific activities at 19 or so :(
I think what I remember the most  has to do with the function certain organs, the brain in particular. I don't know why.
I feel biology is really important to understand our place in terms of survival. Having said this, I also loved history and I feel this is vital to understand our culture and country's circumstances. 
I think what I loved the most about school is that I had a few very good teachers who, together with my parents, awoke my desire to learn.

Write about a subject you enjoyed at school

What the subject was,
Who taught it,
Why you enjoyed it,
What things you learnt in this subject.

Mention anything else you think is important. Write a minimum of 200 words. Write a comment on this blog and 2 comments on blogs where you have not commented before :)

Wednesday 17 October 2018

A friend

Today I’ll write about a friend from childhood that continues to be my friend today. I met Claudio when I was 5 years old and I moved to a new house. He was the first neighbour to come and say hello when I was playing in the square.  I remember I was nicely surprised since it had been over a week and I hadn’t spoken to anyone.  A couple of days later I introduced him to my sisters and he introduced me to his sister Ale. We had a really nice relationship straight away. We played tag, hopscotch and hide and seek with other kids in the neighbourhood. Later on he was my boyfriend; we must have been 6 and 7 (hahaha). At the age of 15, I moved house again and we lost touch for a while.
The nice thing is that we have remained friends even though we lead very different lives. My friend is a musician and he writes music. We probably see each other two or three times a year but every time it feels as if we have never lost contact. We can talk about more or less anything and have a laugh, even when things are not going that well.
 I really like to listen to music with him. He always has new bands or singers to show me. I also like to listen to the stuff he writes. 
How about you?
Write about a friend from before (childhood, school, etc.)  who is still your friend. Say:
How you met
What you have in common or not
Why you enjoy sharing with them.
Mention anything else you find relevant. 
Minimum 200 words and 3 comments

Tuesday 16 October 2018

Dear all:
On this post I will explain how the blog work will be assessed.
Two marks will be averaged. Mark 1 is for continuous assessment (i.e. coming to class and posting IN class).If you come to class & write the right number of words, plus the ideas your are asked to express, you get 2 points. If you don't come to class & post from anywhere else within 48 hours, you get 1 point. After that there are no points,but you can still write for the sake of learning.

Mark 2 is for 3 particular posts that will be evaluated in terms of (ideas (n° of words), word range & grammar). If the post is not there when it is marked, you get a 1.0 for that post. These 3 marks are evaluated and give an average final mark.

Ps: You can use but NO translators.If you do the latter, you will get a 1.0 & no points for your post.


These two marks will be averaged and will give your final mark :)
Kind regards,

Wednesday 10 October 2018

I don't normally get involved with the celebrations for Fiestas Patrias or the national holidays. Reason being, I feel nowadays there is little independence to refer to. I always wonder how the native people in our country feel during these celebrations.  But let’s face it; it is a great opportunity to have a relaxing time. I used to go to barbeques with friends or house parties but I never enjoyed going to fondas in Santiago because I always found them over-crowded and over-priced. In fact the only fonda I ever really enjoyed was 15 or 18 years ago (hahahha) when I went to Algarrobo. I went with my darling husband, a British friend of his, Karen, and a very good Chilean friend of mine, Claudio. Connie, Claudio’s girlfriend at the time, was there too. Claudio's parents have a house in Algarrobo and we went to stay there for a couple of days. It was great being near the beach and getting some fresh sea air. Also, the weather was warm and sunny during the daytime and not too cold in the evenings.
The fonda was on the main road leading into Algarrobo and we went twice on consecutive evenings. There were lots of people but the atmosphere was friendly. We did the typical things like play some games, eat empanadas and drink chicha. There was music and people dancing cueca. Later on we drank piscolas and danced (shuffled about!!) to cumbias.
We all enjoy our national holiday for different reasons, I suppose.
Write about a Fiestas Patrias celebration you remember:
When it was,
What you did,
Who you were with,
Why you enjoyed it.
or you can approach it from another angle:

What is being Chilean?
How Chilean are you?
Why do you think all this nationalism  arises?

Mention anything else you think is interesting. Write at least 220 words. Leave a comment on your teacher’s blog and my blog and  of 2 classmates.

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Wednesday 4 task

Hello everyone!

Today we have a specific task first.
First of all, create a blog  and /or write down the URL of your blog on the whiteboard.
Secondly, link everyone including the teacher to your blog.
Thirdly, Write a minimum of 100 word- introduction of yourself.

My name is Beatriz and I am an English teacher. I have a number of interests and I am constantly studying new things. After I finished my Masters, I decided I would never do something academic again. At the moment, I am doing a webinar on Alzheimer’s disease and also learning Japanese. 
 I love animals and I don’t eat them. I also love nature so trekking is one of my past times.
I think doing sports is really important for our mental health. I do pilates and go swimming but only a couple of times a week. I should do more.

What about you ?