Wednesday 28 November 2018


write about a free topic.
Write a minimum of 250 words and 4 comments.

Today I would like to write about injustice and the complexity of humans.
I have worked in he Faculty of social sciences for 12 years. In 2012 I was offered a contract due to my good evaluation by students and colleagues. At the time I was very happy for this recognition of my effort as  a teacher.
However, in 2017,the new undergraduate director asked me and 3 colleagues to do 3 more courses for the same salary. That meant 1/3more work for the same money. We politely said "no, thank you"
The harassment got worse  and this year, we were asked to work double the time for the same money. We have been to meetings with this woman (directora de pregrado) and explained how unfair this is and how little value they see in our work as English teachers.
Some time ago, I left a private university which paid me much better, to come and work in Universidad de Chile exclusively.

Last Monday I recived a letter reading  I will be dismissed from the faculty on December 2018 this year.  The reason why I wanted to write about this is because I am shocked that something that started as an abusive idea turned into something personal because this person could not get away with making us work more for the same money. This is a person that earns approximately 10 times what I earn. And who says that the English programme is too expensive.
I think this kind of practice is becoming more and more common in Universidad de Chile and in public institutions. For some reason that I can understand but do not share, a lot of people are willing to be abused just to keep a position in a public institution.
I do not agree with it and luckily, I trust there will be other work in other faculties or a different Uni as well.

That is that and that is why I have been looking at my phone so much today. Sorry about that.


  1. It's really sad to read that, I mean, like really dissapointing to know that they are not paying what a teacher deserve, with all the vocation and passion you have is really disrespectfull

  2. It´s really sad that the people that work in the university are the most undervalue

  3. I think that is very bad, is a problem that I think not only happend in this university, if not in many universitys.

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  6. It's so sad, I thing that the people don't see the importance of the teacher

  7. Omg, UCh really sucks, each year is more expensive for the people that want to study here, Fau opened more enrollment positions to get more people for fau to study, they have more money every year and they don't do anything!, Fau is getting weak every year and they don't nothing, "pituterismo" is getting stronger, and the people that suffers it are we, the students and teachers with really vocation.

  8. I find terrible as injustices, and sadly as the partner, says if you don't have a good "pituto" gives permission to others trample on us and make us feel inferior simply because they earn more or are friends of the heads.
