Wednesday 14 November 2018

Being green

Well, I think you can learn about being more environmentally friendly in many places. However, for me the best is to learn with others. I have learnt about recycling, composting with friends mostly. However, I used to be a lot more radical and concerned about the environment, until, in my view, I realized I could not save the world on my own. I was in Germany in 1998 and then, people separated rubbish, would not litter, etc. 1998!!!!! And here, it still doesn’t happen! No education, no money, no interest….etc.
In the past I made my own soap, detergent and shampoo. Now I cannot be bothered. I still take all bottles to the bottle bank, take all milk cartons, carton, paper and tins to the supermarket all the time, but that is more or less it. I use the bike to come here. However, this is the only campus where I do this because it is near. Normally I go places by metro or bus, sometimes the car. 
I think there are a lot of little things one can do to help the planet, starting by reducing the use of plastic, which I have. Not use STRAWS!!  Recycling, reusing and not to litter
And I didn’t. I used to come on the bike sometimes in the past, and this year I did not do it once. There are many more things one can do. 
My carbon footprint must be high. Terrible thing!
I think our society needs to be educated so we can all be aware of the importance of recycling & reusing and all the benefits it could have.

Write about the environment . Here are some ideas:

What things do you do that are environmental friendly? How can we help other be more environmentally friendly?
Do you think the Chilean government does enough to promote recycling?

What are the most common items that people recycle?

What things can average people do to protect the environment?

Write at least 250 words. Leave comments on my blog and the blogs of 3 classmates


  1. I am agree with you, I think it is a pity the enviroment education in Chile, all of us have to take action because all of us are responsable of this world.

  2. It's important to educate ourselfs about the environment and how to take care of it. And we need to take care of the pollution we are making right now!

  3. I also like to use my bike!
    I think that our government should do something relate to the environment, otherwise we will see bad consecuences in the future!

  4. Just like you I think education is the only way we can move to and enviromentally friendly society

  5. I will love to learn to make my own stuff like the shampoo. I think that it is a very entertainig hobby

  6. the straws cause much impact in the sea, are so dangerous

  7. I like this class, because is very rare that in a class learn about of the recycle.

  8. Is very interesting how you can make your own soap and shampoo it´s something what don´t see too much, and is a good idea to help our earth

  9. With that little things you help a lot, the hard is promote it to other people that don't care for our planet

  10. I am agree with you, we need to be educated about recycling and we need more places to do, for example, in the university aren't places suitable to do and that must be fixed

  11. I think that we have to take like an example the other countries and try to reproduce their techniques.

  12. unfortunately,the straws is one of million of differents plastic gadgets that destroy the sea u.u
