Wednesday 28 November 2018


write about a free topic.
Write a minimum of 250 words and 4 comments.

Today I would like to write about injustice and the complexity of humans.
I have worked in he Faculty of social sciences for 12 years. In 2012 I was offered a contract due to my good evaluation by students and colleagues. At the time I was very happy for this recognition of my effort as  a teacher.
However, in 2017,the new undergraduate director asked me and 3 colleagues to do 3 more courses for the same salary. That meant 1/3more work for the same money. We politely said "no, thank you"
The harassment got worse  and this year, we were asked to work double the time for the same money. We have been to meetings with this woman (directora de pregrado) and explained how unfair this is and how little value they see in our work as English teachers.
Some time ago, I left a private university which paid me much better, to come and work in Universidad de Chile exclusively.

Last Monday I recived a letter reading  I will be dismissed from the faculty on December 2018 this year.  The reason why I wanted to write about this is because I am shocked that something that started as an abusive idea turned into something personal because this person could not get away with making us work more for the same money. This is a person that earns approximately 10 times what I earn. And who says that the English programme is too expensive.
I think this kind of practice is becoming more and more common in Universidad de Chile and in public institutions. For some reason that I can understand but do not share, a lot of people are willing to be abused just to keep a position in a public institution.
I do not agree with it and luckily, I trust there will be other work in other faculties or a different Uni as well.

That is that and that is why I have been looking at my phone so much today. Sorry about that.

Wednesday 21 November 2018

A job

Dear all,
Today we will practice for the video next week. Please make sure to include all the info below and more if you want.

A job you would like to have in the future

What the job is,
Why you would like to do this job,,
What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,
What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.
Mention anything else you think is important.

When I think about a future job, there are 3 things that come to mind.  An animal rescuer, a teacher in a rural school and a pilates instructor.
Today I will refer to the first one first. I have always loved nature and animals. One of my dreams would be to have a rescue center for stray cats and dogs that walk the streets, go through a lot of rough experiences with insensitive people, and certainly need care and affection. 

I think you need a lot of qualities to do this job, first of all a lot of sensitivity and patience, also some instruction into first aids and nutrition,. Lastly, some training on how to deal with wild animals. Other than that, one needs a lot of money since these animals need some space, ifrastructure, food and also medical treatment quite often.  My dream would be to buy a big piece of land so all of them could run and play with each other.
The satisfaction would be quite high since knowing that there are fewer animals in the streets  and being taken care of, would certainly make a difference in my life. It would make me very happy 

Moreover, I think all animals and creatures are amazing. I think humans can be very arrogant thinking that because they are more intelligent, they deserve more care. I think we are all on this planet for a reason. We need to show respect and care for one another. In this sense, the disappointment I have had with humans I know I could never have with animals.

Write a minimum of 250 words and a comment on this blog or 3 other blogs

Thursday 15 November 2018

Video 2 November 28

Task (& Timing)
All elements are adequately covered in the required time frame.
Fairly fluent, seamless delivery despite minor lapses.
Excellent use of lexical resources.
Grammar is excellent and almost error-free.
Clear and strong despite noticeable accent.
Fairly well achieved although minor details may be missing. Minor problems with timing.
Acceptable delivery that demonstrates a certain degree of fluency.
Good use of lexical resources. Grammar is adequate despite minor errors.
Occasional problems with isolated items that do not affect overall message.
Task is incomplete or noticeably under length.
Uneven delivery. Monotone or with unnatural pauses.
Some problems with word formation and usage. Grammar is weak with noticeable errors
Noticeable problems that affect clarity of message.

Video 2:
Record a for 2 minute mobile phone video presentation* about a job you would like to do in the future.
What the job is,
Why you would like to do this job,,
What qualities or skills you would need to do this job,
What type of reward or job satisfaction you would get from doing this job.
Mention anything else you think is important.
Please remember that the date is

Wednesday 14 November 2018

Being green

Well, I think you can learn about being more environmentally friendly in many places. However, for me the best is to learn with others. I have learnt about recycling, composting with friends mostly. However, I used to be a lot more radical and concerned about the environment, until, in my view, I realized I could not save the world on my own. I was in Germany in 1998 and then, people separated rubbish, would not litter, etc. 1998!!!!! And here, it still doesn’t happen! No education, no money, no interest….etc.
In the past I made my own soap, detergent and shampoo. Now I cannot be bothered. I still take all bottles to the bottle bank, take all milk cartons, carton, paper and tins to the supermarket all the time, but that is more or less it. I use the bike to come here. However, this is the only campus where I do this because it is near. Normally I go places by metro or bus, sometimes the car. 
I think there are a lot of little things one can do to help the planet, starting by reducing the use of plastic, which I have. Not use STRAWS!!  Recycling, reusing and not to litter
And I didn’t. I used to come on the bike sometimes in the past, and this year I did not do it once. There are many more things one can do. 
My carbon footprint must be high. Terrible thing!
I think our society needs to be educated so we can all be aware of the importance of recycling & reusing and all the benefits it could have.

Write about the environment . Here are some ideas:

What things do you do that are environmental friendly? How can we help other be more environmentally friendly?
Do you think the Chilean government does enough to promote recycling?

What are the most common items that people recycle?

What things can average people do to protect the environment?

Write at least 250 words. Leave comments on my blog and the blogs of 3 classmates

Wednesday 7 November 2018


Today we are going to write about something  I like.
It has been hard to choose because I am often reading more than one thing at the time.  I read the newspaper, academic papers, stuff on meditation, the brain, essays, my students' blogs, about health etc. 
I started reading about the brain some years back when I studied language acquisition and education = learning processes. I have to say I have read quite a bit about the brain and personality and it nevere ceases to amaze me.
However, at the moment I am not reading about the brain. I am reading two books. One is called "the book of strange new things" by Michel Faber. This is a science fiction novel which is interesting and set in the future on a devastated earth and a far planet with alliens. It is about  how this human couple live apart while she is expecting a baby on earth and how he deals with alliens being a religious priest on this far planet.
Another book I am reading is one called "Gut "The inside story of of our body's most unde- rated organ" by doctor Guilia Enders. This is an interesting book since it refers to processes that happen in our body and how what we eat and how we prepare food can affect from the movement of our bowels to the weight we have and how we emotionally feel. .It also has some really interesting illustrations and drawings that attempt to describe processes which happen in our stomach or intestines. 

Write about something you are reading at the moment.
What it is called
Which genre it is ( novel, academic, manga, report, blog, etc)
Whether you are enjoying it
What it is about
Write a minimum of 200 words and 3 comments

Include anything else you find relevant.